Daily Contradictions

By. Eleven Something

Life in the Advertising Industry.


By Mr. Eleven Something.

Well well well....it's our 5th day here and I must say Gold Coast is amazing. The beaches are amazing, the people are very nice and the weather is great. Now I know I understand why some Malaysian want to make this place their second home (or first for that matter). Heck, even I wanna stay here if the opportunity arise. Having said that, I will also miss Malaysia terribly cause no matter what, it's still the best in the world for me. Pirated Cds, KL Traffic Jam and Malaysian food that I can't find anywhere else.

Oh, people in GC look like they jump out of a Roxy / Billabong / Quicksilver catalogue. Golden tan, blonde hair, blue eyes and a face like an angel. Not to mention legs that can go on for days. Gila lah. I would definately miss this place when I leave....

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